I want to be sure that the products have been tested by a reputable institution. As an allergy sufferer, I rely on all the ingredients being clearly stated so that I don't expose myself to any health risks. Especially when it comes to personal care products and food.

Since the quality seal guidelines are strictly checked and a manufacturer's promise is often just marketing, quality seals have great relevance for me personally. They're also often easy to identify, making it quicker to find the right product on the shelf. I don't want any annoying rashes or allergic reactions in general. Unfortunately, I've already experienced how manufacturers' promises of being 'allergy-friendly' aren't fully kept. I mainly pay attention to the quality seal when buying washing-up liquid and laundry detergent, cosmetics, textiles and food.

I have celiac disease and rely on clear information about the ingredients in food and drink for each and every product. A quality seal makes it easier for me and my family to shop quickly and safely. The children, in particular, find it difficult to read and understand the list of ingredients correctly.

Quality seals are important on food, cosmetics and cleaning products as well as household items, pillows and duvets. They give me reliable information about the products and manufacturing specifications used. My interests as a customer are considered with the quality seal and the qualification.

It's crucial for me that I don't have to search long in the shop for products that take my allergies into account. A certified quality seal also carries great credibility for me. I pay special attention to 'aha labelled' dairy products in the supermarket. I buy these products for myself and my boyfriend.

I pay attention to the quality seal for myself and my family, because the quality and safety of the product I choose is important for our health.